To replace suction feet on the base of the PC11 RxCrush Pill Crusher, a replacement kit (RXRF) that comes with 5 rubber feet may be ordered. Rubber bumper feet in the kit can be installed by hand. And here is a list of the tools and steps.
Supplies needed for repair
- Pliers or needle-nose pliers
- #2 Phillips screwdriver
- RFRK package containing 5 rubber feet
Use needle-nose pliers to remove the damaged material from the screw that is fastened onto the base of the crusher.
NOTE: If any suction feet are damaged, all suction feet must be removed, even the good ones. The new rubber feet are different sizes than the suction feet so all need to be exchanged for rubber feet. - Remove enough material so a #2 Phillips screwdriver can fit into the screw.
- Use #2 Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the damaged suction feet.
- Loosen the screw by turning to the left or counter clockwise.
- Remove the suction feet the rest of the way by hand.
- Discard the screw and suction feet.
- Screw the replacement suction feet into the base by hand.
NOTE: HAND TIGHTEN ONLY. DO NOT use tools to tighten the rubber feet.
- Screw rubber feet to the right or clockwise until finger tight. Rubber feet should be flush with the base of the crusher.
- Replace all suction feet with the replacement rubber bumper feet.
- Turn the crusher over, place it on a work surface and check that the base is level and sturdy.
Order the Repair Kit RXRF by sending an email or preferably a PO to
The PC11 crusher has a warranty of 5 years from the date of purchase. RxCrush replaces suction feet without charge if covered under the warranty period. If the crushers are out of warranty, each kit costs $6.00.
A video demonstration of these steps may be found at: RXRF Rubber Bumper Replacement - Install